GOLDBLUME, PALE GIRLS, WAR WAVES AND DYTHSU? at The Blue Moon, Cambridge, Friday 17th Novervember 2017
On a Friday night in Cambridge, before the indie pop alldayer was a cool gig happening. It was also Jethro's (goldblume) birthday

First was DYTHSU? From Cambridge, who are all girl band which I'm always into when it comes to All girls bands, the band had a bit indie/twee pop ( Tillycraft, tiger trap ), a bit of Riot Grrrl (Slater Kinney, Slant 6, Bikini Kill) and the Loud/Quiet dynamics of The Breeders and Pixies. They are a really unique band to check out if you're into Indie pop or Riot Grrrl.

First was DYTHSU? From Cambridge, who are all girl band which I'm always into when it comes to All girls bands, the band had a bit indie/twee pop ( Tillycraft, tiger trap ), a bit of Riot Grrrl (Slater Kinney, Slant 6, Bikini Kill) and the Loud/Quiet dynamics of The Breeders and Pixies. They are a really unique band to check out if you're into Indie pop or Riot Grrrl.
Up next was a hometown (Ipswich) double, first up was War Waves, one of the bands that i've been into for almost three years performed something different than there usual set, it was really good to see something different from a band, i felt there set was lo-fi bedroom pop like sebadoh, pavement and guided by voice but had that post emo indie influence of cursive, what a Good set by war waves.

Next was pale girls, A band who remind me of bands Quicksand, Nirvana, The Smiths, Sunny Day Real Estate, Slint, The Cure, Fugazi and Drive Like Jehu. One of the bands Who have been playing in the Ipswich circuit for sometime, it was really good to see them Live in Cambridge. It was very raw and exciting the same time.

Last was Goldblume, a nice birthday celebration for the front man Jethro.
A month ago i saw them back Ipswich they were a band that i liked, a month later i saw the band again they raised the roof. They're a band that you can't Pigeonholed into one genre, they have post hardcore, indie rock, noise pop and some math rock that made the band for what they're all about. They remind me of Biffy Clyro (early stuff) and japandroids which I'm into. There last song of the set was a 10 minutes song had a really prog rock (king crimson) thing going on, it was a experiential to watch and it was a dedication for people with mental health problem out there, it was a brilliant set to see and heard, one of the bands you must see live.
Overall it was a gig that i really enjoyed going to.
words and photos by Matt catling

Next was pale girls, A band who remind me of bands Quicksand, Nirvana, The Smiths, Sunny Day Real Estate, Slint, The Cure, Fugazi and Drive Like Jehu. One of the bands Who have been playing in the Ipswich circuit for sometime, it was really good to see them Live in Cambridge. It was very raw and exciting the same time.

Last was Goldblume, a nice birthday celebration for the front man Jethro.
A month ago i saw them back Ipswich they were a band that i liked, a month later i saw the band again they raised the roof. They're a band that you can't Pigeonholed into one genre, they have post hardcore, indie rock, noise pop and some math rock that made the band for what they're all about. They remind me of Biffy Clyro (early stuff) and japandroids which I'm into. There last song of the set was a 10 minutes song had a really prog rock (king crimson) thing going on, it was a experiential to watch and it was a dedication for people with mental health problem out there, it was a brilliant set to see and heard, one of the bands you must see live.
Overall it was a gig that i really enjoyed going to.
words and photos by Matt catling
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